Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nursemaid's Elbow

Apparently Nursemaids were really given a bum wrap with this one - so named because they were often 'jerking' the children out of harm's way, but in the end, dislocating the elbow. Lil man had his 2nd trip to the ER - this one at almost 16mos - & nursemaid's elbow was this diagnosis. How did this happen you ask? Innocently enough, his dad was pulling him into bed, like he's done a thousand times! The kicker was, we had to take him to the ER for an x-ray (excruitating) & then to have it set - it was suggested (but not reccommended) to follow-up with an orthopedic doc. Being the paranoid mother I am, I scheduled one with the Dr that did my achilles surgery (a whole 'nother saga) - I am SO glad I did! It turns out that when the ER splinted him straight, it actually popped back out! So, Dr. Terry had to re-set AGAIN! The poor kid almost hit the roof! It was then splinted at almost 90 degrees & seemed to have relief. He's been wearing it to daycare as a precaution, but will probably go sans for Halloween... bless his heart & his folks - whew, what a week! If you have a young child - I encourage you to read the link above...

& oh, does this kid look like a 'freakin Calvin Klein model or WHAT?!?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ride 'Em Cowboy

Today was my nephew's 9th birthday & it was a cowboy theme. Here he is enjoying a ride on Trouper with his big sis:

My friend, Lindsey was there, taking pics & I can't WAIT to see what she comes up with. Here are a few other of Lil man riding in the gator & also on Trouper - which he seemd ok with riding & Literally SOBBED when we took him off, so then we had to put him on the fake horse...
& this fake horse was animatronic & was almost creepy the way it turned towards you when you talked or rubbed it's ears!

Pumpkin Night

We had a fairly good turnout, despite the rain - the pic didn't come out that great due to the rain & my less then steller photography in the dark - there's actually 5 pumpkins in this & 2 more were done that went hom early...
My yummy mummy cheese was a hit & everyone also loved the chili - I had only one helping of the chicken chili left!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A tale of Many Dogs

Lil Man LOVES this book - Busy Doggies ! In fact, he's recently taken to sleeping with it - as you can see with some other 1sts in bed - pillow, blanket & sippy cup... He wakes up saying 'DAWG' & pretty much is content to sleep with them as well...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hummingbird Festival

Do you think this kid is comfortable around a camera, or what?

We spent the afternoon at the Hummingbird Festival in Hogansville with Grandma Mell. Trae got his 1st train ride & he loved saying 'choo-choo' & afterwards, the conductor let him ring the bell!

& apparently, he's more comfortable when mom is BEHIND the camera, instead of in front of it:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bruce Wayne

Aka: Batman!
Lil man got his 1st pair of Batman PJs & loved them! Especially when Daddy would sing the Batman music - dada dada dada dada BATMAN!
They even have a cape on them, but are unfortunately, the pants are too long to run & let the cape flow - we learned that lesson right away... so, the outfit worked just as well with diapers...
Batman begins...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Egg Masters

Every Friday night, for as long as Dave & I have been married, our good friend Ike has come out for food, fun & folly - of course lately, all he wants to talk is politics - imagine that... the boys always cook steaks on the Green Egg & I whip up the sides, tonight my mom's twice baked potatoes & a salad, always a hit. This evening, they BOTH decided to don the chef's garb, Dave as Kevin Rathurn & Ike as Emeril - the interesting thing is we NEVER eat before dark & tonight is no different- but for now, the steaks are off & I'm hungry!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My budding Artist

we decided to make a Get Well card
for the dad of one of Lil Man's classmates.
He placed the stickers & did some coloring
- right now his style is alittle Jackson Pollack,
we'll see how it progresses :D
We hope it cheers everyone up!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Original Slider

I grew up in Chicago & one of our favorite places was White Castle & whenever we return, we have to make a stop, even before visting Grams - to which Lysh & I got in big trouble about one visit... Another time, was when I was newly pregnant & the clan converged in Chi-town to see said Grams for Christmas, & she cooked (sorry & she doesn't have Internet, so she can't read this) a disgusting pot roast meal in the crock pot & I had a meltdown! My sweet cousin-in-law, Brian & cousin, Hjal, said 'Um, we're going to get the pregnant lady some sliders!' Of course, they wanted to flee the drama AND get sliders too - all I cared was I got some in the end :D - I mean, how can you go to Chi-town & not have 1. pizza, 2. White Castle & 3. Willie's Weenie Wagon (a whole 'nother post). I have now introduced the Lil man to the 'original slider' - of course the frozen version we get in the South is no comparison, & he'll probably grow up a *gasp* Krystal fan but, he was really ok with it... he liked it alot better when I added cheese to it - that's my boy!
Watch the video on the home site to the secret of slider cooking & it will get those taste buds drooling!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all

Lil man got his 1st run through a pumpkin patch today! He really enjoyed it! He was interested in the unusually bumpy ones, & the white ones. We did get a decorative white one, but got the good ol' stand-by for carving at the end of the month...

This is once we got home & set things up:

In the Doghouse

That's EXACTLY where he is - in Jackie's crate...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Babies & Puppies...

What could be cuter then babies & puppies? I don't think anything! These were taken at a 1st birthday party of a friend...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Daddy & me

The boys reading about dogs...


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